Snowmelting Expectation

When attempting to determine what "how many tons of snowmelting per hour" equates to, Snow Dragon's engineering group has compiled a simple calculation based on area, snowfall, and density to help evaluate your snowmelting expectations for a given event. As we know, each snowfall is different and is based on the density of snow. A storm with heavy and more dense snow, will result in the same tons being melted - but less bucket loads. This is simply due to the snow having a higher water content and being heavier. The same is true with a storm that has a less dense snowfall (light and fluffy snowfall). This will result in more bucket loads being melted - but the same tons. In order to help simplify this, use our snowmelting application and you will have an idea of how many tons are involved with that given event and the approx number of hours it will take to melt the snow with each Snow Dragon model.

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Snow Dragon®
29100 Lakeland Blvd
Wickliffe, OH  44092

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